Collection: Essential Period Supplements

Nurture your body during menstruation with essential period supplements.

Benefits and Research

We carefully selected the finest holistic products to support women's health, based on research interpretation

Magnesium for Periods

Research supports the use of magnesium for alleviating menstrual cramps. It is believed to aid in muscle relaxation and may also improve PMS symptoms, including breast tenderness, mood changes, bloating, and fluid retention.

Calcium for Periods

Clinical studies have indicated that calcium supplementation may help reduce the severity of PMS symptoms, including mood swings, appetite changes, early tiredness, water retention, and pain.

Vitamin D for Periods

Evidence suggests that higher levels of vitamin D may correlate with fewer PMS symptoms, less pain, and improved mood.

Omega-3 for Periods

Research has shown that Omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties, which could aid in alleviating menstrual pain, reducing symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea, and decreasing reliance on pain relief medication.

Boron for Periods

Research has shown that Boron can help reduce the severity and duration of menstrual pain through exerting anti-inflammatory effects.

Chaste tree for PMS

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is widely studied for PMS relief. Research shows it significantly improves symptoms like mood swings, breast pain, bloating, and insomnia. Two dosing regimens demonstrated high efficacy, with minimal adverse effects, making it a well-tolerated natural option.

Soy Isoflavones for PMS

Soy isoflavones may help alleviate PMS symptoms, particularly headaches, breast tenderness, cramps, and swelling. A study found targeted symptom relief beyond placebo, suggesting non-traditional mechanisms beyond estrogen mimicry in PMS management.

Soy Isoflavones for PCOS

Soy isoflavones may benefit PCOS by reducing insulin resistance, triglycerides, and oxidative stress. While improvements in lipid profiles were observed, effects on hormonal balance and menstrual regularity remain uncertain, requiring further research for confirmation.

Probiotics for Periods

Probiotics may help alleviate digestive symptoms in dysmenorrhea. Studies show Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG reduces diarrhea and abdominal cramps, while Bifidobacteria improve constipation and stress, making probiotics a promising natural adjunct for managing menstrual-related gastrointestinal discomfort.