Aroma Self-Massage Techniques
Self-massage with a peppermint roll-on is a convenient and effective method to alleviate discomfort. This approach combines the principles of acupressure—a traditional Eastern medicine technique involving the application of pressure to specific body points to clear blockages and promote energy flow—with the soothing properties of peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint for Stomach Smoothing: A 1-Minute Guide
Peppermint for Headache Relief: A 1-Minute Guide
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Simply place your order, and we’ll deliver a monthly supply every 30, 60, or 90 days, based on your selected plan. You have the flexibility to modify your plan contents anytime.
Can I use other MenstrEaze products while using this product?
You are fine to use other products as directed by healthcare professionals. However, if you are taking other medications or supplements, it's important to read the precautions provided on this page and consult with a healthcare professional. Please do not solely rely on the information presented here.