Research Publications on Patchouli for Stress and Mood

Effects of Short-Term Inhalation of Patchouli Oil on Professional Quality of Life and Stress Levels in Emergency Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial; The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2020; Link

This randomized controlled trial at a university hospital in Incheon explored the effects of patchouli oil inhalation on stress, compassion satisfaction, and quality of life among 50 emergency nurses. Divided into two groups, nurses either inhaled patchouli oil diluted in sweet almond oil or a control of almond oil only, after shifts and again 24 hours later. Results showed no significant change in blood pressure, heart rate, compassion fatigue, or burnout between groups. However, the patchouli group experienced significantly lower stress levels and higher compassion satisfaction. This suggests patchouli oil inhalation could positively impact emergency nurses' professional quality of life by reducing stress and enhancing satisfaction in their caregiving roles.