Peppermint for Nausea

Peppermint is recognized for its effectiveness in easing nausea. The primary components of peppermint act to calm the stomach and offer prompt relief, particularly when inhaled. Its popularity as a natural remedy for nausea is attributed to its quick-acting benefits and user-friendly application in various scenarios.

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Research Interpretation

Mint aroma has been shown to significantly reduce nausea and vomiting symptoms in pregnant women, although it does not impact maternal anxiety levels. Peppermint, in various forms, is utilized for its therapeutic benefits across different patient populations, including pediatric and hospitalized patients, for conditions like abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and nausea.

A study on hospitalized patients demonstrated that inhaled peppermint essential oil effectively alleviates nausea and vomiting, either as a standalone treatment or alongside antiemetics, with a significant portion of patients preferring peppermint aromatherapy alone. These findings underscore the potential of mint and peppermint aromatherapy as a non-invasive, patient-preferred option for managing nausea and vomiting.

Effect of mint aroma on nausea, vomiting and anxiety in pregnant women; J Family Med Prim Care., 2019; Link

This study aimed to evaluate the impact of mint aroma on nausea, vomiting, and anxiety in pregnant women. In a quasi-experimental intervention with 66 pregnant women experiencing mild to moderate nausea and vomiting, participants were divided into two groups. One group inhaled mint aroma, while the control group used sesame oil, twice daily for a week. Using the Rhodes Nausea and Vomiting questionnaire and the State Anxiety Inventory Scale (STAI), assessments were made before and after the intervention. Results indicated a significant improvement in the severity of nausea and vomiting in the mint group compared to the control group, but no significant changes were observed in maternal state anxiety levels. Overall, while mint aroma significantly reduced nausea and vomiting symptoms during pregnancy, it did not affect the women's state anxiety.

Therapeutic Uses of Peppermint -A Review; Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Preview publication details, 2015; Link

Peppermint is taken internally as a tea, tincture, oil, or extract, and applied externally as a rub or liniment. It is often used in pediatric patients for treating abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea and symptomatic relief of coughs and colds.

Peppermint Essential Oil for Nausea and Vomiting in Hospitalized Patients: Incorporating Holistic Patient Decision Making Into the Research Design; J Holist Nurs., 2021; Link

This study investigated the effectiveness of inhaled peppermint essential oil on nausea and vomiting (N/V) in hospitalized patients, comparing it to the use of combined aromatherapy with antiemetics, or antiemetics alone. In total, 103 patients were allowed to choose their preferred treatment to ensure a holistic approach. However, due to low enrollment, the antiemetic-only group was excluded from analysis, leaving 100 patients in the final evaluation. Patients self-rated their nausea on a scale from 0 to 10 at the onset of symptoms and again within 60 minutes after receiving treatment. Results showed a significant improvement in nausea scores across the sample after receiving aromatherapy with or without antiemetics. Specifically, patients who used only the peppermint aromatherapy experienced a more significant improvement compared to those in the combined treatment group. Overall, 65% of the patients chose to use only the peppermint essential oil for relief. The study concluded that peppermint essential oil is an effective stand-alone or complementary treatment for N/V in hospitalized patients. It also highlighted the importance of considering patient preference in research designs, especially in areas where a placebo might not align with holistic care principles.